OS FEC Trains 101 & 202 Friday November 22, 2013

FEC101-11 and FEC202-22 are out on the mainline. Question is, where are they going to meet? I had my finger on Gifford and sure enough, bot trains were lined up to meet there. Dusk falls quickly as the headlights of FEC101-22 are seen at Main Street. Bells at CR512EAST ring as 717, Champion703 & 419LHF are seen leading. IM and wells seen here with an ASHLEY in the mix as the EoT passes me at 6:05PM. Meet in Gifford. Doesn't take long for FEC202-22 to get to Sebastian as he scurries out of the hole at Gifford. Gates come down as Champion713, 719 & 433 are seen leading. IM on top with IM following with manifest seen on the bottom. EoT at 6:46PM.




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