OS FEC Train 101 September 6, 2013

Well, it looks like there were no northbound catches for me today cause not only was I asleep for FEC210-06, but for FEC202-06. What's weird about that is that both of those northbound trains, morning and evening, met in Palm Bay with southbound trains. Crazy ain't it?? At MP216, gates come down as 102, 708, & 428 pulls this good sized train with autos on top with wells and IM on the bottom( one Ashley seen in the mix ). EoT at 7:03PM.

I was very disappointed when I came to the Old Dixie Highway crossing. All yellow chevrons were heavily damaged and knocked down as well as the advanced warning signs. Black marks and scrapings has been left on these vandalized signs. Pictures of them were taken and are near the bottom of this blog post.

 The vandalized signs around the crossing.

These signs were NEVER like this...I'm stunned. I know, they are just "signs" but the give warning when warning is due.

 Downed in March of 2013, this advanced warning sign hasn't had its "facelift since." Sign is for north traffic.
 Damaged chevron approaching the crossing traveling north, as well as the downed chevron for south traffic. Note the black residue on the sign.
 As you can see, bent at the base.
 Just across the tracks near the dirt pit, check how badly damaged that one is.( for north traffic )
 Not to mention there are two.
 Second one is buried good in the ground. That one was for south traffic.
 Around the curve, more north ahead, these are down as well, but take a look....
 Black residue on the sign??? Facing up chevron for north traffic, one on the ground, south traffic.
 Look at this.
 Hello! Black residue AS WELL as.....scratch marks.
 Bent from the bottom, someone had to have damaged these signs on purpose.
Downed at the concrete base.


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