OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Tuesday September 24, 2013

With part of ATCS monitor out, the only way I could almost know where FEC202-24 was, was by the position and movement of FEC101-24. I knew 202 wasn't stopping in FO as I head out to the crossing. 101 gets closer: still no green light. Waited about the same time I would have if both trains met in Gifford then my victory signal came on: red light. Gates come down as Erik W. gives me toots and ECH give me a wave from the CITX142 with 709 trailing behind. Rock on top with IM following as autoracks and deadloads are seen on the bottom. EoT at 5:33PM. Meet in Micco took no time at all as I head up to Main Street. With just seconds to spare, toots are given from the 105, Champion714 & 415 as they lead FEC101-24. 13,000 feet of IM as FEC containers literally dominate this train as the EoT passes me at 6:03PM.




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