OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Sunday December 22, 2013

 Good day at Tradewinds & Atlantic Railroad as Tommy and I try our best to meet with FEC202-22 & FEC101-22 in Micco for the crew swap. Turning on Micco Road,FEC101-22 was already across the crossing as Me and Tommy head across the car wash. Meet up with ECH & Jim as they do last minute checks and as I look to my right, Caboose Anita was standing near her car with the walker.....by herself......stunned all of us including the crew of BOTH trains at the track side. People pretty much get impatient by the year as many turn around at Micco Road to find an alternate route to get around depart is FEC101-22 with Champion711( with a sick horn, has been written up by ECH ), Champion714 & 412LHF leading as they get this 11,100 foot train of IM back up to speed. Completely stunned how fast they got this train up and moving as 2 ASHLEYS are spotted in the mix. EoT at 6:58PM. At the same time FEC101-22 was pulling away, FEC202-22 started up and slowly headed toward Micco North with 105 & CITX140 on lead. Getting a red over green shortly after FEC101-22 cleared the switch, IM is seen on top with wells and flats following behind as autoracks are seen on the bottom. EoT at 7:02PM.

 Jim( conductor/engineer ) talking to Mrs. Anita Caboose 

EoT of FEC101-22

EoT of FEC202-22


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