OS FEC Train 101 FRI. August 23, 2013

Sleep.......something everyone enjoys. Waking up from a nap, I find that FEC202-23 was already in my area and I saw that FEC101-23 was meeting with this train in Micco. Riding my bike to the tracks, I hear Champion714 & 709 lead FEC202-23. I already knew what engines were leading cause if FEC101 goes south, FEC210 has the same power( 2/3rd of it )coming back north. Same for FEC107, FEC202 take that power north. Meet is complete as I see the headlights of FEC101-23 round the corner at Main Street. 106, 103 & 717 leading this 11,000 foot beast with autoracks on top, with IM and wells on the bottom with an ASHLEY seen in the mix. EoT at 6:23PM.


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