OS FEC Trains 123, 336 & 210 SAT. August 17, 2013

I spotted FEC123-17 in Titusville when I woke up this morning I see that he was going to meet FEC226-17 in Pineda. I looked south at Port Sewall in which I though it was FEC210-17, but it was FEC336-17. Both get lined up for the meet in Gifford as I head out near the switch at MP214.9. Gates come down as toots are given fron the 104 & the Champion716. Tropicals, Crowleys, other IM and mixed freight are seen on this good looking train as the EoT passes me at 7:22AM. Meet in Gifford complete as the red light burns for FEC336-17. Gates come down as 704 & 702LHF lead this good mighty train of rock with EoT passing me at 8:02AM. I look back at ATCS Monitor to see where is FEC210-17 and I find him down in the hole at Rio meeting with FEC123-17. With Ms. Coleman along with me, the beautiful Champion703 leads this train with 708 behind it. IM and wells seen on top as a large load of deadloads on the bottom the EoT passes me at 9:48AM.





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