OS FEC Trains 101 & 202 Friday October 25, 2013

Weather has been extremely nice today but unlike yesterday, today, the sun is out, shining it's face. FEC202-25 & FEC101-25 are starting to get close as I predict the would meet in Gifford, just by looking at their positions. Gifford it was as 202 will take the main and 101 in the passing track. Near the old Fellsmere Railroad, I catch FEC101-25 with 102, Champion713, Champion716 & 710LHF on lead. 8,300 feet of IM heading south spotting an ASHLEY in the mix as the EoT passes me at 5:53PM. Meet in Gifford complete as the sun begins to set, making the weather a little bit cooler. Bells ring as 100 & 106 are seen leading FEC202-25 with IM on top( yes, no rock today ), autroacks following behind and a whole lot of manifest seen on the bottom. EoT at 6:27PM. As I head home, you know that no sunset is the same. Just beautiful.

FEC101-25 Video Link                    FEC202-25 Video Link




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