OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Tuesday October 1, 2013

Welcome to the month of October and it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For the whole month of October, the text will be pink. For Halloween, it will be Black and Orange.

Dominick and I have been debating on where the meet would be. I put my finger on Palm Bay as he put his finger on Micco. It wasn't before long that I had to head to the crossing for FEC202-01. With Dominick on the phone while I was at the crossing, he tells me that I'm dead on about the meet in Palm Bay as FEC202-01 is lined into the passing track. Gates come down as ECH waves white from the 104 & CITX141 as rock hoppers and cement tubs are seen on top as IM, deadloads and autoracks are seen on the bottom. EoT at 5:05PM. Shot up to WalMart to buy some bike lube for my bike as FEC101-01 clears the south switch at Palm Bay. With absolutely no time to spare  I shot down to Main Street then to Louisiana Avenue to catch this train glide around the curve. Crew that was installing fiber optic cables hear the sizzle in the rails as toots were given from the 101 as 710 & 719LHF. 11,100 FOOT train of autoracks, and IM is seen going south with no Ashleys as the EoT passes us at  6:00PM.




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