OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Thursday October 24, 2013

Sun hasn't shone its face all day but it was nice and cool outside to catch some trains. Watch SRHS( Sebastian River High School ) finish up their Powderpuff Parade, I looked at ATCS and judging the distance between FEC202-24 & FEC101-24, I had put my thumb on Micco, and sure enough, the dispatcher lines both trains to meet there. Gates come down as 710 is seen leading with ECH drumming on his chest on the 421 as they get prepared for the weekend. Rock on top with IM following as autoracks and tanks are seen on the bottom of this 9,500 foot train. EoT at 5:21PM. Meet doesn't take long at all as the green light pops on a lil ways south, signifying that that switch at Micco South is properly lined for FEC101-24. Bells ring as toots are given from the 107, 704 & Champion715 as IM is seen heading south to Miami. No ASHLEY seen here as the EoT passes me at 5:42PM.

FEC202-24 Video Link                    FEC101-24 Video Link




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