OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Friday January 24, 2014

Took a glance at ATCS Monitor and I find the line up which appeared that the meet was going to be in Palm Bay, but the meet ended up being in Micco. Total surprise. I watch FEC202-24 come toward me at 512EAST as 106 & 709 are seen leading. Rock on top with IM following behind as autoracks, tanks and manifest are seen on the bottom. EoT at 6:21PM. I head over to Hess for a quick snack as the Girl Scouts were selling their cookies outside of the store. They realized that I was the guy who takes videos and pictures of the trains going by. Explaining what I do and how I knowledgeable I am about them, they liked that and gave me a free box of cookies. Nice :), my night just got sweeter. I helped them pack their stuff up as FEC101-24 is seen crossing Micco South, going around FEC202- 24. Back to 512EAST to find 719, Champion703 & Champion716LHF Leading this nice medium sized train of IM with an ASHLEY seen in the mix. EoT at 6:52PM

 FEC202-24 Vid Link                    FEC101-24 Vid Link




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