OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Tuesday January 14, 2014

Nice day to go out and watch some trains as FEC202-14 is seen on ATCS heading in my area. Meet is later set in Micco as the red light pops on. Gates at 512WEST come down as ECH waves to me from the 106 & the 105, a classic RPB combo. Rock and cement hoppers are seen on top with UMAX & CSX containers seen following as autoracks an manifest are seen on the bottom. EoT at 4:41PM. Meet in Micco is done as the green light shines for FEC101-14 as toots are given from the Champion714 as 704 & 709LHF are seen trailing. Nice train of IM seen here with no ASHLEY in the mix. EoT at 5:14PM.

FEC202-14 Vid Link                   FEC101-14 Vid Link




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