OS FEC Trains 202 & 101 Thursday January 16, 2014

Pretty chilly today to watch some trains as FEC101-16 & FEC202-16 get lined up for the met in Micco. FEC202-16 going VERY slow today( maybe 10 - 15MPH ) and for what reason, I don't know.  ECH saying to me "It's gonna take long" as he later grins from the 106, 105 & the 439. Rock and few cement tubs on top with NS coal cars following as tanks, manifest, autoracks, more tanks and manifest is seen on the bottom. EoT at 5:30PM. The red light soon turned off as was replaced with a green light, giving me the key that Micco South had been aligned for FEC101-16. The coolness of the air makes the horn of the train sound very mellow and smooth. Champion715, Champion711 & 414 seen leading this train of IM as I see no ASHLEYS in the mix. I do however spot an unusual container saying MATSU MARINE and later saw some billboards on the train saying: OUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE SITS HERE & JOB SATISFACTION 10 FEET AHEAD. EoT at 5:49PM

FEC202-16 Vid Link                       FEC101-16 Vid Link




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